Wednesday, 21 June 2017

Winter and Stanley Olympics

The 2017 Stanley Avenue School Winter Olympics Team was announced at the beginning of this term. They have all been flat out training for their nominated sports, improving their fitness and selling chocolate bars!

You can support their fundraising efforts by purchasing chocolate bars directly from a Winter Olympics Team Member, or by purchasing a lunch item from school on Thursdays. Each Thursday this term will be a hot meal option - which is advertised the week before. Please get your orders in by Wednesday to allow for ease of food preparation, and to make sure you don't miss out. The food on sale for Week 8 is American Hot Dogs!

While the Winter Olympics Team is off busy preparing their Chant, learning about Teamwork and practising their sports the rest of Rooms 1, 2 and 3 are busy preparing for the very exciting Stanley Olympics. Over the past few weeks it has been fantastic to see the teamwork developing, as everyone looks to prepare their team for our action packed week!

Check out some of the photos of our fun team building activities...